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If you’re a fastpitch softball catcher, then I’m sure you know it’s crucial to have a catcher’s mitt that’s durable, comfortable and high-quality.
Recently I got my hands on a mitt that may fit the bill.
It’s the Wilson A2000 Aubree Munro catchers mitt, also referred to as the 2023 AM1 version.
I’ve been using it for a little while now and have a variety of honest observations, pros and cons to share with readers.
In this review, I’ll detail my notes about the mitt and give you the lowdown on whether or not it’s worth the investment.
So if you or your loved one needs a new fastpitch softball catcher’s mitt, you’ll want to read on…

Let’s Get a Few Things Out of the Way First
Here’s a few basic things to know about the mitt.
First of all, it’s 34 inches (circumference, not length).
It’s made by Wilson, one of the most well known and premier glove makers in the game.
Additionally, the 2023 Aubree Munro catchers mitt is Wilson’s only A2000 made for fastpitch catchers released in 2023. If you aren’t aware, A2000 is the most popular glove model made by Wilson and it’s one of the most premier models as well along with the A2K. (note: there are no A2K fastpitch catchers mitts at this time).
Lastly, you may be wondering who Aubree Munro is and why she has a catcher’s mitt named after her.
Aubree is a legendary fastpitch catcher who starred for the Florida Gators and went on to represent Team USA in the 2021 Olympics in Tokyo. She also played professional fastpitch softball for a time.
This (2023) is the third consecutive year that Aubree has had an A2000 catchers mitt named after her. In fact, she worked with Wilson to design this mitt down to the last detail.

My Observations on the 2023 Aubree Munro Catchers Mitt
Design & Look
The design is attractive. The primary colors that pop out are white, purple and gold.
If you catch for a team that has purple in their colors, then you’d really be styling with this mitt.
The leather is a blend of a traditional tan color and white (more on that later). Laces are purple in the webbing and tan along the tops and sides.
There are three logos on the mitt: the first is the Wilson name above the wrist. As you can see in the picture, the name has a blend of purple starting at the left and turning into gold stitches as you move to the right.
It’s a similar pattern for the W logo above the thumb area – purple to gold, left to right.
The final logo is on the back/top of the mitt, and it says A2000 in the same blend of purple and gold stitching.
One of the last observations to mention about its design are the words “Change The Game” in cursive stitching where your palm rests. You can see it clearly in this picture.

Finger Stalls
When I put my hand in the mitt, the first thought I had was “this is tight”. When my wife did the same, it didn’t feel as tight. That’s because Wilson designed its Aubree Munro catchers mitt to fit female hands, so the finger stalls are a bit slimmer than a baseball mitt.
Inside on the far left is a loop for the pinky finger to go in. When it slips in it feels snug but comfortable and is in there in such a way as to protect that finger from the ball’s impact.
Above the wrist is a black, microfiber lining that soaks up sweat. It has a dimpled texture but it’s comfortable.

There are two types of leather in this mitt: Wilson’s “Pro Stock” leather, made from steer hide, and “SuperSkin” leather.
The latter isn’t a traditional animal-based leather at all but a specially created microfiber material that’s strong like traditional leather but much lighter.
When you see the white on the back of the mitt, that’s SuperSkin. The blondish tan color is the Pro Stock leather.
Both the SuperSkin and Pro Stock leathers are soft to the touch.
The coolest feature about the pocket of the 2023 Aubree Munro catchers mitt is that it has “spin control” designed in.
It’s basically a type of pattern in the pocket containing many small dimples. When the softball makes contact, the design helps to stop the ball’s spin immediately, which reduces the chance of dropping the ball.
Other things to note about the pocket are the numerous phrases imprinted in it. At the bottom over the pinkie area, it says AUBREE MUNRO – GAME SPEC and beneath that, AM1 GM 34.
Above that area, SPIN CONTROL TECHNOLOGY is imprinted. In the middle of the pocket is the A2000 logo, and above the thumb is the traditional Wilson logo.
When I handled the mitt, it just felt high quality. Like really good materials were used. Like it would be durable and hold up for a long time.
Another thing that jumped out to me was that it was really lightweight. That probably has something to do with the lighter weight leathers.
I noticed as well that my hand was well ventilated when catching with the mitt. It’s noticeable in the finger stall area – you can see in the picture below the ventilated holes in the SuperSkin.

I mentioned earlier that it was a snug fit. While true, I still felt it was comfortable to wear.
The snugness made the hand better protected because the stalls are designed to place your fingers in the best possible location to catch well while avoiding injury.
One other thing to mention about the feel of the new Aubree Munro catchers mitt is that it’s pretty stiff out of the box. Some gloves come pre-broken in. This one is not.
Not an insurmountable problem, you just need to spend the time catching with it and breaking it in. For that job, try a little glove oil and get a mallet to help soften it up.
All Things Considered
When it’s all said and done, I’m impressed by this catchers mitt.
You could tell a lot of thought went into its design, from the lightweight leather to the spin control pattern in the pocket.
The materials used are high quality, and I got the impression that it could easily be the glove of choice for a faspitch catcher that plays frequently (e.g., travel ball) and/or at a high level (High School, college, etc), and that it would hold up really well for them.
The only “cons” (if I can even call it that) I could find about the mitt is that it needs breaking in and that the price tag may be a bit high for some. As of this writing, it’s retailing somewhere around $300.
Still, I’d much rather spend the money once to get a nice catcher’s mitt than to buy a cheaper mitt and have to eventually replace it.
So getting back to our original question in the intro about whether or not the 2023 Aubree Munro Catchers Mitt (AM1) is worth the investment?
If you’re in the market for a new fastpitch mitt, my opinion is: yes!
To check current availability and pricing, click or tap the buttons below.
That’s A Wrap
Thanks for stopping by Catchers Home to read this article. We hope it was helpful.
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And if you’d like to read more about catchers mitts for fastpitch softball, we’d suggest checking out our post where we review the top 3 on the market.
The link to it is HERE!