All Star is a popular and high-quality brand of catchers gear. They have multiple models to choose from across different ages and skill levels, as you can see in our detailed article on the topic.
Custom All Star Catchers Gear
The next time you have an MLB game on TV, take a close look at the catcher and the gear he’s wearing. You may notice that his gear looks a bit different than what you could buy in the store or online.
That’s because many high level catchers get their catchers gear customized – whether it is adding a name plate to a chest protector, customized stripes on the leg guards to match a uniform, or something else.
In short, customization is a very sought after option. Customization is the best opportunity you have to make make your own catchers gear look the way you want it to.
One of the great features of All Star catchers gear is that much of it can be customized.
This article will briefly discuss your options for ordering custom All Star catchers gear, including looking at current marketplaces and equipment available for customization.
Please note that all information is current as of the date of publication.
All Star Sports Website
As you may have expected, All Star sells customized catchers gear directly through their website.
You can order from their site by going to the header that says MIXLAB.
Once you’re in, choose the specific piece of equipment you’re interested in. It will then present you with all available options for customization.
The specific pieces and models of All Star catchers gear available to be customized within the MIXLAB (as of the publication date) are the following:
- System 7 Axis Chest Protector
- System 7 Axis Leg Guards
- System 7 Catcher’s Helmet
- Traditional Catcher’s Mask
Baseball Express Website
Baseball Express is an online store selling practically all types of gear for Baseball players, coaches and umpires.
Their website also has a section where you can order custom All Star catchers gear. The link to that specific page is: http://www.baseballexpress.com/catchers-gear-builders.
Once there, click either Youth, Adult or Women’s. It will then take you to an interactive builder feature which will show you a mockup of the custom gear in real time as you change the custom options (note – you need to have Flash installed for it to work).

Baseball Express has a pretty good selection of All Star gear available for customization, particularly among All Star’s System 7 model of catchers gear.
Lester’s Upstate Sports Website
Lester’s Upstate Sports is a small sports equipment store located in Victor, New York. They have a good online presence with various gear options to choose from.
While Lester’s does offer some custom All Star catchers gear for sale, though they don’t have as many custom options to choose from as do the Baseball Express or the All Star websites.
The link to find custom All Star gear from Lester’s is: https://www.lestersupstatesports.com/. Once on the page, you will see a small number of All Star products that can be customized, most with bright red text above the product image that say “Custom!”.

Once you click on a product image, you will be taken to a page with multiple drop down buttons allowing you to choose the specific custom options you want. It’s pretty straightforward and simple to order.
In Summary
There are multiple online options available for you to pick out your custom All Star catchers gear. We are aware of at least three online stores where you can do this.
Before placing an order, our suggestion would be to review each of the three sites to find the store that gives you the best price, has the best color options, or some other feature that may be important to you.
We also suggest using the builder feature on the Baseball Express page to first get a feel for how your specific custom order would look before placing an order.
If you’re generally interested in custom catcher’s gear but aren’t concerned with whether it’s All Star or not, we encourage you to check out our detailed article showcasing all custom gear for catchers available today.
If you wear custom All Star catchers gear – or any custom catchers gear for that matter – send us a picture via email to scott [at] catchershome [dot] com, or tag us on instagram @catchershome. We’d love to see a picture of you using your gear!